What is Chabad Suite

Our Mission

We at Chabad Suite seek to help enhance the work of Shluchim by providing reliable, tailored solutions that address Shluchim’s most common challenges.

In order to do this, we’ve made it our mission to understand the shared technology needs among Chabad outreach institutions and provide a platform that expertly addresses those needs.

The Need

Chabad institutions are known to be very active. Shluchim run events, collect donations from individuals, run fundraisers, provide ongoing programming, communicate actively with their constituents, proactively reach out to individuals in the community so that no one is left behind, and provide assistance with challenges faced by the community and individuals alike. Remarkably, all these services are usually solely performed by the rabbi and rebbetzin. Administering all these services well is a challenging task and usually requires a slew of technology platforms, services, and excel spreadsheets. Selecting and managing these platforms often becomes frustrating and overwhelming.

We are here to make the administration easy so you can focus on the Shlichus

Chabad Suite is a single platform that streamlines these tasks. Our one-stop-shop application provides a state-of-the-art website designer and fundraising pages fully integrated with a CRM where you can seamlessly collect, organize, and use your data. The platform is complete with all the features you expect, including event management, donate forms, matching campaigns, mailings, Hebrew calendar integration, data collection forms, and so much more.

To learn more about our features, see the CRM, Fundraising, and Website pages

Core Values

Chabad: Chabad Suite has the Chabad mission at its core. The purpose of Chabad Suite is to advance the work that Chabad does and therefore we share a deep care and concern for the success of each and every Shliach.

Quality: We seek to provide high quality solutions to your needs. We develop and design products with the whole picture in mind and bring you holistic, reliable, easy to use solutions. 

Value for our users: We understand our customers deeply and tailor our work to provide the best value for your needs.

Pricing and costs

We strive to provide products and services that are robust and reliable, while still priced to be accessible to most Chabad organizations. We want our customers to feel that they are getting great value. See our pricing page to learn about the costs and details.